My goal of completing kanji gold is almost finished - It will be done by the end of the year and I am very happy. Since early childhood I hated the stupid education system - the stupid essays, the stupid, idiot people getting higher marks than people who had read the subject. I can honestly say that at certain times I felt homicidal - it was my beloved subject and yet it was turned into a mockery by the education system.
I am glad I made the videos - I typed college degree burning into YouTube and on one of the many videos it said something along the lines of that if an achievement did not mean anything to you personally then it was not an achievement - I wholeheartedly agree with this.
I wasted years at Sixth Form and University for people who had no interest in the subject I loved to be given qualifications. I was close to tears on a number of occasions.
Going through kanji gold has taught me about motivation - after I finished university I lost motivation because I looked at other people and not myself. I realised that only setting and breaking goals that meant something to
me would make me happy...