Saturday, 27 April 2019

these Tw*ts

when i was a t university they made no attempt to teach me anything.

I passed the translation agency tests by myself and now I am in debt.

If I had just got my degree I wouldn't have been able to translate from Japanese and French into English, I did it all by myself....

I hate the education system and would love to see it reformed.

Life after being dead inside

University was a life ending opportunity for me when I spat at people and threatened to kill people most days.

I had no money to socialize and became involved with street gangs and drugs.

When I graduated I was competing with translators from degrees from Oxford and Cambridge as well as people who had spent significant lengths of time in foreign countries…

I self-destructed and almost got myself killed.

On one occasion I was beaten up in a gym only to go out and pick a fight with three bouncers, get hospitalized, get thrown out of A and E, go back into town and then attack the bouncers again. I then went to the gym and saw the same bouncers there training.

This was not what I hoped for from my degree.

My wife left me due to my failure to be rich. I didn’t really care as she compared me to someone who went to public school.

I am more stable now due to having several ways of making money.  I studied French to English translation under Alexandre Coutu and this got me a job as a French to English translator with Work Place Translation.  This was one of the best things I ever did.

I also branched into ebay trading and worked for an antiques shop as well as importing stuff from Turkey.

I now do matched betting and have a very positive life.  I am learning how to trade on the stock market. 

In the future I aim to study languages again however much university effected me.

I aim to continue with chess but to play less games online.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019


The A in


Isn't  in Katakana

/Tosiwo_Nakayama is tosio nakayama


I have never seen result used as a passive verb or a past participle before and decided to google it

I cant find this use in the OED....