The next of kin agreed with me we would split the money from the sale of stuff in the house 50/50 after I had paid for storage and van hire etc.
I then cleared the house and put it in storage. The next of kin did not lift a finger to help me as the lady who helped me can attest. I appreciate she was grieving, but she left me and a friend with all the work to do.
The next of kin's cousin then wound me up and got the next of kin to make a statement to the police that I had stole the stuff as opposed to clearing it, or at least I am 99% sure of this. The police then came to my flat and told me not to contact the next of kin. When they entered my flat they said "you know what we are looking for". I appreciate they were probably lied to.
This woman then told a load of lies about me on Facebook which the police rightly advised me was a civil matter. I was incandescent with rage at the legal system.
During the course of this mess the next of kins cousin attempted to emotionally blackmail me into giving her all the money I made selling the stuff in the house. This was obviously ludicrous as I had spent about 200 hours selling the stuff. I reiterate that the next of kin or the cousin did nothing to aid in getting the stuff out of the house, with the next of kin simply ordering the stuff in the house for less than an hour.
Before I went to jail I gave a relative of the next of the kin some of the stuff back and paypalled her money.
After I got out of jail I paypalled this relative the money I owed due to the contract. I no longer have the exact records due to losing ebay accounts. if the next of Kin's cousin hadn't harassed me I would have been more rational and able to keep better records.
One of the next of kin's relative's even said to me: I don't think S________ understands how much work is involved in the selling.
I aim to continue to do house clearances, but will let this serve as a reminder that it was a mess..... If the next of Kin didn't have a next of kin I probably wouldn't have gone the extra mile to return the stuff and paypal the money after she got the police to tell me not to contact her.
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