Monday, 12 December 2016

Collosal waste of Police funds

A While ago I fell out with a lady x and she reported me to (Merseyside) Police

(I won't name her or others)

This is my version of events which I gave to Merseyside Police

I met Mrs x a while ago when I asked to volunteer at a kitchen for homeless people.

She told me I needed a DBS check to be able to volunteer. I took this as meaning she didn’t want me but told her I didn’t have any convictions. She then said she didn’t need me. I took this as just meaning she disliked me
A couple of weeks later she misinterpreted my Facebook post and called me a silly little man and other insults I called her a fat cow in response. I think she deliberately tried to provoke me.
She tried to get a hate mob on me. Several people attacked me in writing and I defended myself they took my side. I inboxed several people and explained my side of things.
One person Mr Y threatened to kill me, but most could understand it was her fault.
I just let it blow over after a friend of hers Mr. W said she was in the wrong but asked me to leave it
A few weeks later her friend Mr Z posting on one of my comments in a Facebook selling group. She got me banned from a group and effected my work. She told the person in charge I insulted her but neglected to say she started it. My boss was very upset, and I had a go at Mrs. X by inboxing her.
I inboxed her and harangued her because she effected my business. I told her I knew where she lived which I did.
Later a friend of hers inboxed me and said she was concerned. I said I was livid because Mrs. x  almost lost me my job. I said if she didn’t have kids and I didn’t lose my job id torch her house. I meant this as an idol threat; I said it to explain how angry I was.
Mrs. then used this message and spread a rumour saying I was going to torch her house down with the kids inside it which was nonsense.
Mr Y also threatened me and has been sending me messages saying he is going to kill me.
On the 29th October he said he was going to stab me because Mrs. x d told him to do so and got out what appeared to be a Knife outside St Johns Shopping centre. On the thirtieth of October he threatened me again on Facebook. I have proof of all of this.

Mrs X  tol the Police a Load of nonsense and wasted a lot of Police Time!

In the end i got the following letter after we both gave our side 

I thought the Police handled this excellently, but the amount Mrs. X wasted is phenomenal.

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