Thursday, 10 November 2011

Great Achievements

As a young child I spent years in police cells, group homes, absconding across the countryside and fighting on the street.  I dabbled with alcohol, drugs, self harm and the underworld.  I was labelled one of the most dangerous children in Britain and it would often take 3 men to restrain me. I was different from many of my peers in that I had and still have an extraordinary skill with foreign languages.

I entered education at sixteen despite having had any formal education due to my beloved mother nurturing me when I was younger.  At around this time I met a powerlifter who encouraged me to take up the sport and live an "authentic" life.

I was greatly disappointed by college but enjoyed French and Spanish.  I got recommended to SOAS which is the most prestigious language school in the UK, and I often got 120% on tests - I'd write extra questions on the exam paper.

I spent all my time in the gym and when it came to the end of college, (high school  in America) the man who taught me French asked me if I was proud of anything I achieved and I replied "no" with a hard-faced callous expression whilst staring at a corner of the wall.

The his teacher, who was extremely sarcastic and hard to please turned round and said "well I'm proud of you."  At 18 years of age I just sneered at the man and he looked sad.  He then asked "well what do they say?" whilst motioning to the other students.

"I don't know"

"what i take it you've never spoken to another student?"

"S***** and one other person"

"What two people out of two thousand people"

(I pause to think) "Yes"

"that's sad, yes that's sad"

The teacher left the room and he looked truly distraught.  Though I was too hardened to show it at the time the fact that this teacher was proud of me meant a massive amount to me, and if I ever see him again i will tell him exactly that.

At around this time the Prime Minister sent me a letter.  I just tore it up and went to university.


  1. wow, sounds like you've had an interesting life, congratulations on your acheivements!!!! :)

    i think it'd be worth searching out that old teacher, and sending him a letter at least. It'd probably mean as much to him as what he said meant to you. :)

  2. I live miles away now and I saw him once in Shrewsbury where I went to college - He looked sad and boring and dull, but he was a real character and a nice guy. The other students loved him. I never walked up to him, I wish I did.
