Tuesday, 14 August 2018

An incoherent article on understanding sentences

check dictionaries

check morphology
sezuni se is causative zuni is without

For the example of hokorippoku look at morphology: Ku means adverb and therefore it is simply the adverbial form hokorippoi

To shita is Just past of to suru
When you cannot understand a word write down semantic elements like ku zu etc

Write what each part means with Furiei

Check humble and honorific verbs as these are not in grammar books: te oru was not in my book it was simply te iru.

analyze with makino and furi ei ad arrows for ESU. Draw an arrow from part to part. From the part that gives to the part that takes

strip out unnecessary lexis and just analyze grammatical skeleton.

Put nouns adjectives and other things in different colours.put prepositions and conjunctions in different colors

search internet for more grammar books (Mongolia)

Search for more examples of phrase to fathom out from other contexts, picture and numbers etc


For the example of “GE” Look where it is: at the end: it is a suffix: look up ge: doesn’t come up, remove nigiri, ke.

Makino condensed

1 modifier before modified

Makino calls a modified and a modifier an ESU

Recognising ESUs is a must for reading Japanese

Guideline 1: A modified element is typically a noun, a relative clasue or a nominaliser a coordinate or subordinate conjuction, an adjective a verb or a particle

Guideline 2 If a thing before the modified element modifies something after the modified element then that thing is outside the ESU

Guideline 3 noun phrase +wa and noun phrase + mo is often said to be outside ESU (But make note)

Guideline 4 when two sentences are combined by ga sentence one is often outside the ESU of the modified element of sentence two. With te it depends on context

Guidenline five when a modified element is a modal ir usually goes to the beginning of the sentence even if it is a wa/mo phrase

Guideline 6 when the modified element is the quote marker to guideline three is over ridden

Some modified elements allow their ESU to extend beyond the sentence boundary especially sentence initial conjunctions

Book 2

Sentence initial, preverbal (modifier) modified Towards better reading comprehension

B Key elements


nps, nouns

pronominal plus noun

demonstrative + noun

adjective + noun

noun+ no + noun

noun/verb + compound particle (pronominal; verb) + verb

relative clause + noun

noun sentence to iu + noun

sentence + nominaliser

noun to noun

embedded interrogative sentences


Adjectives ku
Adverbial auxillaries
Quotation + to
Noun verb + compound article
Verb te
Verb masu + ni


Sentence initial conjunctions

Sentence initial adverbials

Sentential topics unlike preverbal wa modifies everything that follows

Sentence initial dependent clauses


Te ku ari

Negative connective forms


E complex sentences

A complex sentence is a sentence which is dependent on another clause

1 relative clauses

2 internal sentences before to iu + noun

Internal sentence before compound particle + compound particle

Sentence + nominaliser
Embedded interrogative sentences

Clause before adverbial forms of auxillary adjectives

Internal sentences as indirect quotations

Sentence initial dependent clauses

Refer to (35)

Missing elements f


Guideline 1 Identify major clause breaks: ga,ba, kara, node

|Guideline 2 identiy the skeleton of each major clause. The major elements who what when where why

Guideline 3 idetify the scope of all conjunctions nominalisers nouns nominalisers quotative markers and auxillaries. SEE ESUs.

Guideline 4 identify modified and modifier accurately when there are ambiguities

Guideline 5 identify each elements modified constituents

lexical items

Look up in dictionary

do a google search

google image search

type into wikipedia and translate if it is a name of a company like the seaweed brigade

analyze morphology as in ame kake ame m,eans net and kake means brackets

carters lexis thing


Examples of esu marking

this shows that the ichiban goes to suki and not composer.



Rasii changes, effects everything it goes after
Adjective jisho am still using
Arrows may also be used on pen and paper

Demarcate(mark) boundaries in meaning

Slice sentences up de ari marks an end of a sentence: think of it like cutting sushi.

Slice after nothing in first part qualifies anything in second part

Cut them up

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