Monday, 13 August 2018

posts about language learning! Real Language

I will be making a lot more posts about language learning on my blog from now on.

This first post is a book I was writing for profit on language learning, real language.  I have made enough money trading and translating now so am not writing for profit.

Feel free to use any material yourself or ask me by email on about anything in the text.


If it’s so difficult how come a five year old can do it? The battery of words needed for effective communication is relatively small…. Tell them all that…
The steps


Phonetics and phonology The sounds Study names of countries and scientific words to elucidate phonology

Buzan The key words
Morphology How words are formed prefixes suffixes
Gunnemark list The minimum words used for communication
Grammar Rules for words which makes communication easier.
Masterlist The great list all everyday words
Input: reading films internet Read a lot
Learn vocabulary from context
Vocabulary topics Learn specialised Vocabulary for specific situations
Special friend Get a friend to help you to learn
Mappings use the map given below. Note down the l1 for things you don’t know and pit them through the map.
Dictaphone Listen to Dictaphone recordings of dictionary
Different registers slang To help you speak to different people
Body language to help you to fit in
Idioms semi idioms proverbs stock phrases catch phrases allusions quotations idiomatic similies social formulae clichés connectives conversational gambits stylistic formulae stereotypes are…nonliteral expressions
Text messages for real communication
Other non oral signs
translation skills, a different set of skills separate to linguistic skills

Master each one before moving on to the next one


Read on topics that interest you: If you are interested you will learn
Re phonetics isolate tricky sounds. Why practise easy sounds?
Isolate grammar that is peculiar to l2 IE counters in Japanese and practise this: If it doesn’t exist in l1 it will be hard to learn. Other examples include the subjunctive in French
When reviewing vocabulary highlight words u know
When practising visualise yourself speaking to people
‘silly sentences’ help one to learn
Study body language
Study humour in l2 the French do not have sarcasm
Study onomatopoeia this explains the non arbitary relationship
Study sample conversations
Differentiate between kenemes and pleremes (opened and closed) as closed classes have a more rigid meaning, not as dependent on context
Closed classes are easier 2 learn but more important
Understand the culture
Learn etymology it can be fun and an aide to memory
Abbreviations should not be overlooked
Contextualised examples help one to learn
Learn all possible constructions not just the ones you like:
If there are two alternatives learn both: ie koto and no as nominalisers Learn idioms associated with word
In phrasebook include stuff like women’s hygiene
Isolate words that are easy to learn ie international words: terebi, tobacco(nb not written/katakana)
Study wide range of media
This shirt needs washing, ironing etc
Use a pack of cards attach a verb form, vocabulary item to each card to test
A dice is also good
Study l2 necwspapers
Fill in the blanks is good
A book of many separate language scenarios: hairdresser, gum, bar, something for everyone
Person centred langtuage learning
The language itself and the person learning it should be the most important factors
Make own contextualised examples
Take a verb and see what you can do to it: I go I must go I will go I don’t go I was going etc
Learn vocabulary in phrases as opposed to by themselves
J: arrows for politeness Up down horizontal
Learning grammar parrot style is cool
Buy an l1 equivalent of l2 u want to read, highlight word you don’t know
‘minimum effort maximum effect’
New stuff when fresh review when tired
Use a colour grading system 4 how well u know vocabulary
Have at least two Grammar books as one will explain some points better and vice versa
Town language mnemonic: nouns in town, adjectives in park, verbs in sports centre
L1 and then l2 l1 and then l1? Both!
Dictaphone the Japanese for cat is pause neko the pause lets you think 4 yourself
Use an l2 thesaurus
Use l2 yellow pages for jobs

Forget it!
Review after 1 day, 3 days, week two weeks month as opposed to every day. This lets you get get get get. After you forget and remember something three or four times you will remember it
One learns a language by thinking reading writing, listening and speaking
Don’t just learn post office learn Kotaro goes to the post office to buy some sweets
Total physical response: Setsumee 1 imagine yourself explaining 2 imagine yourself
Using setsumee in context
The communication incentive
Kanji: visualisation, substitution, contextualisation, repetition
Judokas Japanese ballerinas French
When recording on Dictaphone 1 don’t play any music or two play favourite song and force yourself to concentrate on l
Learning should mirror usage
Go back 2 basics
Derivational Morphology is an important aspect of language often not taught on courses
Babies are exposed 2 much vocabulary: don’t limit exposure to vocabulary
When saying yawn in l2 yawn, when coughing say seki nga deru
If doing a specific task in l2 review necessary words before hand as opposed to irrelevant words: daffodil etc
Study text speak email

Perfect phrase book

Hello how are you
I don’t speak x
Phrases common to all ls, specific culture
Leisure food travel
When does it open?
How many, do you have any
Historically vocabulary has been the poorer relation of grammar
There is a reason for this Grammar is like an naked body that many different clothes can be put on. Learning one grammatical construction leads to many phrases: je vais au many, many possibilities. If one understands the verbal system communication becomes much, much easier. In the above system I state grammar as essential. Just as Heidegger states that one should study Aristotle for 10 years to make philosophy easier so one should study grammar before vocabulary
Common vocabulary is very small
Reciprocal learning: I teach kotaro he teaches me j
There are 3-5000 ls in the world but only 150 countries most wallahs are multilingual to some degree. It can’t be that hard
Peg method put items on mental pegs
Imagine yourself on journey meeting vocabulary items
Linkword R for cow is korova I ran my car over a cow
The finger method one item for each finger
First letter mnemonics roygbiv
Method of loci. Imagine various rooms of palace, imagine items in rooms
Imagine stuff that sticks in mind then translate into l2 ‘not at school now, Academic bullshit
Expose yourself to as many graphemes and vocabulary items as possible as you will encounter them all in l2
Aim to fill your vocabulary book
Ask Gerard to ask you for words in l2 make him try to catch you out
Get someone you hate to test you
Read randomly from a dictionary everyday
Before saying stuff in l1 translate it into l2 mentally: This leads to fluency
Be like babies they= good learners they are receptive also manipulate adult intelligence
Two notions of core vocabulary: l learning and lexicostasticational glottochronology don't confuse them
Modern estimates put memory at 3-5 chunks. Chunking also helps memory
Keep a separate notebook for phrases
L learning tips by phil warton

Use immersion 2 learn languages
One must have a desire to learn
Learning should mirror usage
Use internet in l2
Practise talking ones way out of trouble, communicating when stressed
Practise talking when tired, beaten up, in hospital drunk or scared
Confidence is important
Always use material designed for l1 learners.
Use material that is just a bit too hard 4 you so it is always challenging: push the comfort zone
When learning Arabic look at roots
Words exist in a semantic space knowing a word means knowing what space it occupies: zou no hana
Concrete words are easier than abstract words
German hund is easier to learn than French chien
Benayatim means meanwhile in Hebrew. Most people remember this: been a time!
First 2-3000 word in l = 80% of words likely to be encountered
How to fathom out a words meaning
Decide its part of speech
If a noun which adj describes it which verb goes with it etc
Look at relation between clause containing unknown and other sentences: cause and effect, contrast inclusion, time exemplification, summary
Look at derivational morphology of word
Guess the word
Context lends meaning, meaning is use
Glosses are not translations
Latinate words r easy to translate in romance ls: they are transparent Latinate transparencies are more often abstract
The future in Spanish is different to the future in French (semantically as well as morphologically
Tomography tomografia tomography (Charles berlitz native tongues.)
To understand a language one must understand a culture
Learning kanji as homophones= fun
When learning l2 don’t think in l1 but in mentalese
Eliminate l1 from the process
Kime or intense concentration is cool
Total physical response must be total
The parrot isn’t dead!!!! Learning grammar parrot style is still cool
Grade vocabulary on how easy it is to learn
An l2 reader is an essential piece of kit
Fluency isn’t a measure of vocabulary or ones grasp of grammar it’s a mixture of cultural references jokes slang antiquated words and above all nuances this will never be taught only learnt
Comic books are good as pictures complement words and elucidate meaning
Most methods don’t work for all languages. Turkish is a particular wanker of a language if one is used to learning romance languages.
Take a verb and see what you can do to it ie aspect voice person version mood
Etymology helps one remember words ie ojalá — I hope, God willing
If you teach parapluie is antirain… and sebone is spine (back bone)….se back bone=bone this will help you remember
20 minutes focus is better than an hour fucking about
Kami no sonzai o shinjiru I believe in the existence of gods
Romaji held me back then I first started studying J
Study collocations
Pay attention to different registers and dialects
Most textbooks don’t do this
Keep a notebook of stuff you can’t say in l2 get someone smarter to help
L1 seven times, visualise in mentalese then l2 seven times then mentalese again cut out l1 or English
Encourage creativity
Eliminate l1 even in thought
Think in l2
Arrogance is a major barrier to learning
Classical Chinese Sanskrit Arabic Latin Greek influence almost all languages
Thought to l2 not l1 to l2

The loom of language is a great book
Check l2 has the item: piranha won’t have numbers, Japanese supposedly won’t have domestic violence
English once, thought to l2 many times
Contextualised examples
Pay attention to kanji broad thing hall
Creativity must be encouraged thing abstractly in l2
Eliminate l1 usage l2 becomes l1
Study the bible in l2, read well known verses phil 4 13
Gnothe seauton, know thyself vencet que se vencet he who beats himself wins
Read a grammar book from cover to cover. Keep on reading it. Grammar is essential to communication.
If you want to learn a word you will ruigojiten. If its important enough you will learn it. The wuwei and all out assault on language learning. West and east.
Two important things: the language and the learner
Imagine yourself in an important emotional situation where you need the word preferably in context a gun held to your head, talking to a girl.
Use this allegory only for hard words or it will become boring
the gun held to your head is a good idea for learning
Imagine yourself speaking to a pretty girl employer and need to know the word
Phrasebooks are cool… they teach communication ms Jones was wrong
When doing grammar focus on contextualised examples
Pattern guide in learn polish a new concept to me
Body language sign language
Facial expressions
General mannerisms
Diff colours on the map include everything
Reverse of eat is feed
Translate phrases that seem memorable to you: ‘who are these clowns who boast that they can put up three plates’
Be like a baby attach series of sounds to ideas
Dictaphone recordings of dictionary
Look at many different sources
When listening to l2 recordings include background noise as this mimics real life
When listening to Dictaphone walk around: if you see something on the recording u will remember it ie shingou traffic lights
When you hear something visualise l2 for it
Learn a language by reading writing speaking listening and most importantly thinking
Timid uchiki inner spirit pay attention to kanji
Examples must mean something to you
Map symbols other cultural information, non oral signs: Road signs street signs measurements: feet inches gallons mph, htz, batteries
Clothes sizes tyre pressure shoe sizes
Ceefax, teletext, computer symbols
Washing machine symbols

Language: signs: Grammar core grammar Vocabulary: morphology and map

Fuck ups
stylistic where is her abode, smackheads drug dependents
syntactic he persisted to shout
collocational obese paycheck for fat pay cheque
friendly divorce for amicable divorce
semantic I I injured my car in an accident
relationship between grammar and lexicography very complex there is no clear barrier
pintu is malay for door imagine a pin through a door key word technique
we had a woosie. Fish eggbeater suitcase
we had a woosie but the handle broke eggbeater suitcase
we had a woosie but the handle broke so we had to beat the eggs with a fork eggbeater!
Knowing a word means knowing how to use it productively, likelihood of encountering it knowing derivations, relations to other words in language knowing how often it is used knowing its different meanings knowing it as part of fixed expressions knowing its meaning in context
Understanding irony and other tropes
Total physical response of James j Asher
Listen for ages before speaking passive before active
Read many good books by good authors before attempting to write
Involve the whole person in process… ones heart and soul
Study plays and do acting natural communication with real feel
Exploit the nonsensical the crocodile is more beautiful than she is. Socratic method teacher if it were dark what would u do?
Experiment with language use. Experiment as much as possible
Mistakes are to be encouraged as they can be learnt from
Natural use of language je parle pas as opposé to je ne parle pas
1 establish conduct/ native speakers
2 seek info
3 give info about self in l2
4 give instructions or recipes in l2
5 Express reactions in l2
6 hide ones intentions have a secret mission
7 practise talking your way out of trouble
8 practise problem solving
9 practise discussing leisure activities with l2 speakers
10 speak over telephone
11 entertain others
12 boast about achievements
13 act out social roles
14 discuss ideas and opinions
15 playing with language jokes puns
The routes not the goal but one can be too focused on the destination to enjoy the journey
Creativity rocks
All students must be autodidactic to some degree
Look at as many grammar books as possible book a will be better than book b in some areas and book c will be better than both in still others
Language is idiosyncratic
One should not discourage learners
Encourage creativity in tests not just in class
Don’t just listen to the standard dialect
Is l2 acquisition different to l1 acquisition
Cultural habits differ a nod means no in Bulgaria
Learning should mirror usage, and be natural
Tpr como pan con mantequilla imagine yourself eating bread and butter: imagine butter melting
Individual users define vocabulary needs
Miller said seven most modern guys say 4~5
Chunking, ie putting stuff into a different, more sensible order helps
Oh yeah I forgot: that was about…. memory
Language phrases and the rules covering them: grammar
Study entire conversations, dialogues what u expect the other person to say etc
A morphology notebook, single items book, mappings notebook a notebook for similar phrase which show new grammar
Kids of immigrants are good linguists
Practise every day
Study the criminal element and other pros they need to be good, as they actually use there skills. Always look at people who use their skills.
Translate thoughts and signs into l2 as you walk down the street. Speak to world travellers athletes etc
To learn a language one must study a culture. I don’t really agree but many others do: more different the culture more knowledge is needed
A good translator wants to know more
Intuition is cool 4 a translator

Always have friends
Aim for fluency even though it’s impossible
Study dialects and registers foreign speakers of English are almost always better than English speakers of foreign
Istavan dabis method
1000 to 1500 words and basic grammar read texts that interest him and infer
Start correspondence
The kit
Dictaphone internet good dictionary, a better dictionary a grammar a morphology cds tapes vocabulary map library a friend paper and a pen
Imagine yourself feeling and thinking
Feel the natural urge to communicate, To transmit information!
Follow wu wei in language learning
Try to eliminate l1
Aim to think in l2
Have l2 only dictionaries write l2 definitions in note book or draw diagrams, pictures l1 at last resort
Have a separate notebook for really weird words
Think what u r going to say 10 steps in advance
Colour code vocabulary for dialect register dialect part of speech and ease to learn
When recalling an insult u use a certain part of the brain se this in language learning
A phonebook is a cool way to learn the jobs lexical group
Focus on one language at a time. To ‘review’ a language just learn it again
Is it possible to know all the words in a language? No: should one try? Good question how much and what vocabulary should one learn: it depends on what one wants to do with language

Have goals and aims this is essential

Study songs and poems to learn how to express yourself creatively
The map is cool it gives user input, they like this. If it is their output they will want to learn it.
When walking translate thoughts write down that which u cannot translate and use books
Learn stuff like in Spanish –ma is masculine because it comes from Greek this adds flavour
Grammar is a body on which many different clothes can be put.
Say Yawn(l2) in a yawning voice cough in a coughing voice
Relaxation helps learning
Back to basics
When learning j say taikei body thread system or zukka katakana canvas or burn hiragana yakedo
When someone is talking look at them and say hanashite imasu, il parle or esta hablando
Total physical response variants setsumee 1 imagine urself explaining and say setsumee to yourself 2 imagine yourself using setsumee really imagine 3 u hear someone explaining say setsumee 2 yourself
4 u hear someone say explain u say setsumee
Variation 5 imagine kanji over image
The map rocks because it involves lexical relations
Derivational and lexical morphology are the least taught areas on the courses I’ve been on
Differentiate between active and passive vocabulary
if there are two variants ALWAYS learn both: IE KOTO AND NO
read a dictionary all the way through at least once
vee david your earning (kanji)rogress….
Concentration memory willpower observation organisation and visualisation can be improved
Only from real life situations can one really grasp the parameter of a words usage in a speech community
Watch films

Core common not so common rare obscure are five categories of vocabulary
Interlanguage round table scale
1 elementary 2 limited working
3 pro
4 full pro
5 native, bilingual
Read out loud
Grammar is v important
One ‘grammar’ can be used with thousands of ‘vocabularies’ this is why my French and Spanish is so good
Attach sounds to ideas have own mental state 4 each language
Eliminate l1 from the process keep it natural for tricky grammar do many contextualised examples
Readers r cool
Identify and isolate unique or different to native features of a language ie keigo and counters 4 Japanese
Say hotchikisu wo tsukatte imasu when using a stapler
Kanji faux amis…. When the meaning is random
Kanji mnemonics r like bridges that should be burnt when the other side is reached learn the meaning not the mnemonic
Practise circumlocution and communicating with a small vocabulary: some individuals are very good at this
Textbooks r shite, they must be to be textbooks use real texts
A foreign language is a castle than must be attacked from all fronts
Repeat stuff like mantras learn verbs parrot fashion style1
Two extremes of learning relaxed wuwei western intense
To know is to be bored
Context lends meaning meaning is use
Practice makes perfect
Aim big get there small
Look at successful linguists, not clowns. Most academics ARE idiots
Look at links between ls Arabic Persian Urdu
Ordinary vocabulary is very, very limited how r u etc but what if an important unusual word occurs and you don’t know it.
K lomb
1 spend time with l every day
2 never stop entirely, change medium if necessary
3 learn in context
4 write phrases in margin
5translate stuff as u walk down street
6 memorise corrections
7 memorise idioms in 1st person
8 a language is a castle…….attack it from all fronts
9 don’t fear mistakes
10 convince urself u r a genius

1 don’t postpone
2 expect much of self little of others
3 don’t rely on teacher
4 don’t get obsessed with what u don’t know
5don’t be scared of mistakes
6 memorise filler expressions
7 learn in context
9 interest
10 learn by heart
Circumlocution= great If vocabulary is weak
Listen to radio it means no images
who are they? Are they really experts
Read a lot watch films lots of input
Read and listening before writing and speaking
Fluency is not a measure of ones grasp of grammar it’s a mixture of jokes slang and antiquated words it will never be taught only learnt
Study names of countries and scientific words to elucidate phonology
Make l learning your job treat it professionally
All Indo-European languages are related use this to your advantage
Understanding grammar is essential to communication experience has taught me this. ‘washing machine’ only occurs in one semantic space whereas grammar can be used in many spaces
Grammar is like a naked body that clothes can be put on.
Packaging with translations is great. This helps you to learn words in many languages and study the context in which words are used
Superficial knowledge of many languages leads to an intense knowledge
Practise sussing stuff out from context, so you can read quicker without a dictionary
I was matriculated at university. Matriculate has something to do with university
The thought of eating a rat is abhorrent to most people. What does abhorrent probably mean?
Wide range of media porn Tolstoy comic books y children’s stories should all be read.
Rosetta stone is good
Leave it: 3 days week two weeks a month it takes about three days to forget something don’t review the same stuff every day, it is just pointless

( add stuff in back on grammar rules
What’s in a language? grammar vocabulary set phrases
Grammar is communication
Fluency: much vocabulary idioms body language when and when not to use constructions eg subjunctive understanding of culture
Learning should mirror usage (book idea)
Review basics every day till perfect
Practise communicating with limited vocabulary
Pimsleur is supposedly good
Study for 40 rest for twenty study for forty rest for twenty

Sussing out a words meaning from context is an important skill to have
Derivational morphology is an under taught area. Prefixes and suffixes are a great way to learn new vocabulary
Listening to classical music helps language learning
Listen to l2 music, as this shows how to express yourself creatively in the second language
Core vocabulary gives pointers to other words
Vocabulary map: a cool invention by mister b
Movement for increased x. x must have something to do with energy
The x is cute. X is probably an animal. A cute animal. Probably not a rhinoceros
X moves x is animate
Context lends meaning, meaning is use: Wittgenstein
Context lends meaning. Meaning is not always use me
Kanji give ‘pointers’
When putting on a belt think of the word for belt in the languages you know
Grammar the study of the rules between words. Grammar is essential for communication I realised this at college
Speaking French Spanish Italian and Portuguese is nowhere near as big an achievement as speaking Arabic Hungarian French Thai
Learning languages by families makes your job easier
Slavic is a very closely related family, much more so than the romance family
I read a wikipedia page in Norwegian when I only spoke or read German.
if I haven’t given you a masterlist highlight the dictionary
The sign is not arbitrary! It is motivated and this motivating force helps the learning. After learning the first few thousand words of a language the other vocabulary is learnt quicker: this is because one understands the motivation. This didn’t work for sign language because sign language was man made
After vocabulary masterlist write up negatives preorpostpostitions and conjunctions ie kenemes study these intensely but note they differ between language
I Knocked over a stack of kanji cards and I knew one I thought I didn’t know: gai damage or harm. It just jumped out to me
Always do the script first… be it 30 letters or two thousand symbols, do it first: Romanisation is useless as it doesn’t mirror usage
Comic books are good for learning pictures elucidate text
Read real texts not just text books
Commit yourself to language learning no matter what else is going on in your life: training, losing pieces of paper free the mind through discipline!
£500 cash x I read on a casino in Bulgaria being a casino I guessed that x meant jackpot: I was right
Big cross over between lexicography and grammar
Names of countries and chemicals elucidate phonology
Read the dictionary for fun
When reading mr x x must = a name
It is the difference between signs that makes them signs
Learn picture based kanji kanji that appear obvious and then use my method

Grammar is a body that clothes may be put on
Thought and objects to l2 is quicker than thought to l1 to l2

(thought) watashi wa josh desu
Is better than
Thought I’m josh to watashi wa josh desu
Eliminate l1 as much as possible
Not (cat)--------cat----------------neko
One day psychologists may be able to figure out the slightest fraction of one percent of human behaviour why apply this to language learning??
Read and listen before write and speak
If you study languages for ages it becomes easier: Reading Czech I just new that ten meant this as I saw it came in front of nouns and sounded thisy the motivating force reveals itself
Sussing out from context is better than from dictionary
Packaging packaging wrappers
Study masterlist and then do rest from context
Once the motivating force is understood the language is easier to learn
Total physical response
Use wuwei for language learning
Masterlist every day topics obscure horse is masterlist wombat is topic
Think not l2 but another l1
Grammar stays longer than vocabulary
Much input
Attach sounds to experience and objects in the real world go directly from experience to language
Wars push linguistics forward
Austin was a polyglot. His view on language has value
Studying phonestheme and onomatopoeia helps explain the non arbitrary relationship
Onomatopoeia is Greek for word making
Read read read
Read a foreign language book with little knowledge of vocabulary and see what you can suss out
Have a different mental state for each language
When learning kanji learn the meaning not the aid to meaning after getting to other side burn the bridge (pic)

Mandarin was the only language that impressed in London
Reality to l2 resembles the Kalashnikov, Paul Anderson
El telefono le telephone I only know it as I am manipulating A RULE which creates free vocabulary.
There are very few language stocks Latin Greek classical Chinese Sanskrit and Arabic are all one needs to embark on learning the worlds languages. There are not that many roots of words. Cat, hund,buch libre
Not everything everyday is on the masterlist: door opener
Type grammar into google to get real life examples
The sign be it written or spoken is not arbitrary
Study how kanji combine to form words
Learning should reflect usage
A learner finds it v difficult to mirror stylistic stuff: an obese paycheck
No sonsai no shinjiru to believe in the existence of teach this
Relaxation helps learning c rose accelerated learning
Read bible or other well known book in l2
Gunnermark is the minimum list for inference
Understanding the motivating force makes language easier to learn
When on train write down unknown words
When watching tv write down or translate unknown words
Make your friends catch you out
Studying onomatopoeia elucidates the relationship between words and things
If language is so simple how come a five year old can do it? Education fucks it up. This is the simple answer. The education system is simply about coaching children to jump through hoops.
I learnt uwaga was polish for caution when I saw it on a tk maxx sign. Some things just stick. It was the same for ruigojiten thesaurus
For skills to be really useful they must be of a high calibre

Learn your own language first!
You get out what you put in
Aim to communicate, not to jump through hoops but communicate
All languages are not equal
But good materials one good book is worth ten shit ones
Customise your language curriculum
No language is to hard to learn
Set goals
Survey the whole of the language first note unknown or unique features ie counters and keigo in Japanese
Visit and use the library
Try and use the books which use the same phonetic system
Keep organised
Keep your file organised

Cognates are cool police policia
Carry flashcards everywhere
Use picture flashcards
Listen to cds
Listen to cds in a noisy environment this mimics real life
Chill out with native speakers
Talk aloud
Read aloud
Don’t try to change your target language
Master numbers
Learn about terms of address san Sama
Is that correct?
Master the basics?
Slang? How do motherfucker? Do I sound like an idiot? Swearing is for juveniles, and isn’t sophisticated? Only use slang where apropriate
Dialects can have major effects
Make use of idle time: listen to a Dictaphone
Study body language
Visit restaurants
Watch DVDs read subtitles
Practise simple directions
Use natives as living dictionaries
Carry a Dictaphone and record
Study jokes in l2
When writing kanji finger trace and then write
Practise speaking on the telephone
Study culture and poetry
See it as a job
Peruvian snap is a great game for vocabulary
80% of written vocabulary is in first 1000 words
8-10% next 1000
Next 4% in 3rd thousand
Next 2% in 5th thousand
The most common 40 words form 50 % of spoken vocabulary
200 words 80% vocabulary
400 words 90% vocabulary
800-1500 95% vocabulary
Never be satisfied
Learn core grammar first
Grammar sticks longer than vocabulary
Peg method imagine putting vocabulary on a peg and taking it off
Imagine a room imagine items in room rest, reimagine
Associate vocabulary with fingers
Write stories
Imagine people you know doing the verbs and hear word over it
‘’Nouns in the town:
Nouns should be associated to the most relevant locations: for example, the image coding the foreign word for book could be associated with a book on a shelf in the library. You could associate the word for bread with an image of a loaf in a baker's shop. Words for vegetables could be associated with parts of a display outside a greengrocer's. Perhaps there is a farm just outside the town that allows all the animal name associations to be made.

Adjectives in the park:
Adjectives can be associated with a garden or park within the town: words such as green, smelly, bright, small, cold, etc. can be easily related to objects in a park. Perhaps there is a pond there, or a small wood, or perhaps people with different characteristics are walking around.
Verbs in the sports centre:
Verbs can most easily be associated with a sports centre or playing field. This allows us all the associations of lifting, running, walking, hitting, eating, swimming, driving, etc.

Remembering Genders
In a language where gender is important, a very good method of remembering this is to divide your town into two main zones. In one zone you code information on masculine gender nouns, while in the other zone you code information on feminine nouns. Where the language has a neutral gender, then use three zones. You can separate these areas with busy roads, rivers, etc. To fix the gender of a noun, simply associate its image with a place in the correct part of town. This makes remembering genders easy!
Many Languages, many towns
Another elegant spin-off of the technique comes when learning several languages: normally this can cause confusion. With the town mnemonic, all you need do is choose a different city, town or village for each language to be learned. Ideally this might be in the relevant country. Practically, however, you might just decide to use a local town with the appropriate foreign flavour.’’

Core vocabulary depends on where in the world you are: has visto mi llama?
Rarely consult a dictionary………..
…or rarely ask a friend of it’s meaning….. sooner or later the context in which we meet it will reveal its meaning ( the loom of language)
Laugh a little but not a lot
The motivating non arbitrary force is a good key to aid learning

The direct, immersion method robs the adult of inherent advantages pg 38 loom of language only suitable 4 kids? Adults don’t appear to learn well by immersion. Perhaps direct method and sensible instruction

Think big get there small 2000 kanji? 20 a day, two thousand in three months. Do stuff small chunks at a time: think big get there small.

Sussing out a word from context is great for a linguist

Buying a few cigarettes is different to working for the UN

Losing stuff in the flat… clear the mind of all distractions

Mimic l2 natives for fun enjoy taking the piss

Read a grammar book once, then again and again until you know it by heart

Simplified texts want shooting learning should mirror usage

It is very hard to write properly in l2

Your core vocabulary is essential to you.

The problem is remembering the problem

Most languages have a full vocabulary of 200, 000 words which includes everyday scientific terms. The full vocabulary is about 10 million

Chemistry and electronics have a million words each

I read some packaging in Turkish international words were recognisable

The dark legend: Foreign scripts The main example is kanji. First of all learn kanji that look like what they represent for example lools like 1
looks like 2 三 looks like 3 and looks like rain about 200
Then learn the kanji where a radical gives a clue to meaning like 夫 the big one or father about 500
The next method involves associating graphemes with strokes, be they ipa symbols kana letters Arabic strokes or whatever ie 空 emagine
An e and an I within the kanji
When remembering nose imagine a nose 10 times then visualise the kanji strokes 10 times. Then visualise the nose turning into 鼻 10 times finished by saying bi hana nose. Contextualised examples also work well with this, me grappling someone says dont see how long you can hack it. Imagine kanji drawn over situation.

Some more xamples 珍 or chin rareness ^ looks like chin.
杉 ichi ni san sugi sugi tree cedar
On writing trace with fist, then with finger then write.

Read Kenneth henshalls book on Japanese Characters
learn forget remember forget remember cant forget.
I hi change when learning how to write kanji remember they are not arbitrary
phonetic and semantic compounds
a some of parts holistically
keep a note book of mistakes
say reading into Dictaphone then write tpr
either photo read the kanji and copy from memory
or do some of known parts
or some of known parts and photoread
or if all else fails intense stroke order: scan notebook into dictionary to give examples:

picture turn into kanji circles become squares
most kanji are horizontal and vertical strokes
right to left
top to bottom
think like a chinaman
top portion far bottom near
semantic and phonetic parts
Kanji are not random, or arbitrary but they are made from a relatively small number of strokes Practise the strokes in the Henshall book.
photoread then do stroke order:
When writing kanji say the onyomi kunyomi translation out loud
Kanji: visualisation, substitution, contextualisation, repetition
Learning kanji as homophones= fun
vee david your earning (kanji)rogress
Kanji mnemonics r like bridges that should be burnt when the other side is reached learn the meaning not the mnemonic
When writing kanji finger trace and then write. Or better trace with fist then finger trace then write

Think big get there small 2000 kanji? 20 a day, two thousand in three months. Do stuff small chunks at a time: think big get there small.

About Hen
The "hen" are found at the left side of a kanji characters. Here are common radicals that take the "hen" position and some sample kanji characters. Click the link to learn all kanji characters associated with each radical. We will learn the rest of the group next week!
Ninben (person)
Tsuchihen (earth)
Onnahen (woman)
Gyouninben (going man)
Tehen (hand)
Kihen (tree)
Sanzui (water)
Hihen (fire)
Ushihen (cow)
Nogihen (two branch tree)
Itohen (thread)
Gonben (word)
Kanehen (metal)
hope previous article gave you a basic idea about radicals. If you missed it, click here to learn them.
Radicals express the general nature of the kanji characters. Radicals are roughly divided into seven groups (hen, tsukuri, kanmuri, ashi, tare, nyou, and kamae) by their positions.
hen tsukuri
nyou kamae
The common radicals that take the "hen" position and some sample kanji charactersare shown at "All About Radicals (1)." In this lesson we will take a look at the common radicals that take the "tsukuri" and "kanmuri" position. Click the link to learn all kanji characters associated with each radical.
About Tsukuri
Rittou (sword)
Nobun (folding chair)
Akubi (gap)
Oogai (page)
About Kanmuri
Ukanmuri (crown)
Takekanmuri (bamboo)
Kusakanmuri (grass)
Amekanmuri (rain)
Radicals express the general nature of the kanji characters. Radicals are roughly divided into seven groups (hen, tsukuri, kanmuri, ashi, tare, nyou, and kamae) by their positions.
hen tsukuri
nyou kamae
We have learned the radicals that take the "hen" position at "All About Radicals (1)", and the radicals that take the "tsukuri" and "kanmuri" position at "All About Radicals (2)". This is the last lesson about radicals. We will take a look at the common radicals that take the "ashi," "tare," "nyou" and "kamae" position. Click the link to learn all kanji characters associated with each radical.
About Ashi
Hitoashi (human legs)
Kokoro (heart)
Rekka (hi)
About Tare
Shikabane (flag)
Madare (dotted cliff)
Yamaidare (sick)
About Nyou
Shinnyou (road)
Ennyou (long stride)
About Kamae
Mongamae (gate)
Thing holistically a some of parts

Read stuff that interests you

Communication incentive

All languages divide the word differently

Faire=do make

Prepositions are famous for not connecting completely BETWEEN langauges

Concentration repetition practice

Languages are learned not taught

I will be living there next week I will be leaving there next week pronunciation = important
Listening is the key to pronunciation

Imitate for fun

He who wants to learn will learn

French is more transparent in mechanics than in novels

Experts in chemistry learn chemistry vocabulary quickly

Try to suss out a words meaning from context

Average guys passive vocabulary is 50 000 words

Do strange and odd mean the same thing

Keep a list of weird words

After learning basic words Be hungry for new words

Words like buy bread or cat can be done with = signs

Official vocabulary and scientific vocabulary cannot be sussed out from context also animal and plant names

To show u understand something u must make a model of it make own models of grammar

Rhyming songs help one to remember

stop crawling if you can walk

non fiction is easier than fiction to read

learn from mistakes never make the same mistake twice

have an active minimum before going passive
listening speaking reading writing is the order in language learning
avoid learning complex words instead of more important core words

beware faux amis

75 % transparency 2 – 3 months
50% 3-4 months
25% 5-6 months
10% 9- 10 months

Czech Slovak + 90%
Dutch German +90%
Hindi Urdu +90%
Russian Bulgarian Croatian Serbian Ukrainian +90%
Swedish Danish Norwegian 90%
Dutch Danish Norwegian Swedish 90%

Finnish Estonian
French Catalan
German Danish Swedish
Russian polish Czech
Lithuanian Latvian

Learn forget relearn forget relearn impossible to forget: ingrained

When listening to Dictaphone don’t stare into space, listen attentively see 5 below
The more one studies a language the quicker one learns vocabulary this is because the motivating force is recognised studying onomatopoeia helps explain this force
Attach sequences of sounds to real world experiences

Core vocabulary is your core vocabulary you might like flowerarranging
Grammar stays longer than vocabulary
Mimicry for fun is a great way to learn
Always study a bit above your level
Automatic language facility requires 1 drill repetition 2 thinking in l2 3 using the l every day
Thinking in l2 is essential
Most Africans are polyglots.
1 provide the brain with plenty to listen to
2 be relaxed
3don’t erect barriers to sound as you would to an idiot
  1. give time
  2. listen both attentively and casually

Learn stories and poems by heart
Seek constant correction from native speakers.
Isolate hard and easy features Japanese is difficult graphically bt easy grammatically
There are no precise synonyms within 1 language nor exact equivalents between two languages

Example of text Latin script pent Nurmekund highlight transparencies polüglott dotzent look up hyperlinks to give clues.
All latin scripts have transparencies, international words
dIfferent languages analyze life differently bilinguals ie George Steiner realise this.
Passive vocabulary is bigger than active
Concentration repetition practise
Languages are learnt not taught
Lessons should o what students can’t do alone
Parallel texts r good
Well begun is half done
Scientific phonetics is overrated
How to improve pronunciation constant curiosity to detail
Pronounce what you hear not what you see
Mimic people for fun
If you want good pronunciation take it seriously I never did
A few well known words are better than many half taught
A wise man uses few words so……
Practise circumlocution
Don’t learn unnecessary synonyms literary words or ridiculous words in the beginning
If you know core phrases you will be confident
Don’t learn passive stuff you will know from context
Learn pleremes with kenemes found near them
After core vocabulary be hungry for new words
You need the vocabulary you need
English uses whatever and whenever more than other languages these are English’s favourite words
As an adult it is harder to attach things to ideas than it is for a child
More haste less speed
Only note really weird vocabulary not found in the dictionary ie kongou rough diamond a dictionary is better than any vocabulary book. Don’t rewrite a dictionary
If a word has more than one meaning focus on each one at a time
8000 speaking dictionary
30000 reading
80000 giant dictionary
When using dictionaries check back
Students shouldn’t use a thesaurus early on, though a knowledge of synonymns is essential for reading at a higher level
There is no clear distinction between grammar and vocabulary
Language is a brilliant example of hericlitan flux: it changes
Make your own grammar charts to show you understand grammar
Being able to read is the most useful ability professionally.
Don’t crawl if you can walk
More vocabulary is needed for fiction than non-fiction
Language guide not teacher
You may not have forgotten the grammar but the problem associated with the grammar
Although faux amis are a disadvantage transparencies are a much bigger advantage picture of scale
Don’t underestimate how easy it is to read romance/Germanic with a good knowledge of English.
If a language is 40 % + transparent highlight transparent words, non transparent words and faux amis in different colours. Pay more attention to faux amis and non transparencies
Czech is the most puristic of all slavic languages
Studying how kanji form to make words is an important part of learning words
Study how kanji combine to make words
Make vocab sheets for words found on certain texts ie coffee jars tv manuals
When learning stuff like astrophysics one will have to learn new ideas as well as new words: adults have an advantage over babies as they already understand the world. Some thicko English learners don’t even know words like earnest or diligent learn own language first
When researching a new topic ie physics do so in l2 then you can learn vocabulary directly
Only focus on one language at a time, but have other satellite languages floating around it for reading purposes
School text books are good: not language ones but history ones
Back 2 basics
Make own grammar charts
Grammar is essential 4 communication
Keep all written work
Germanic languages have more words than romance because of compounding
75% everyday English speech = German
English vocabulary = 400-500000 words
Most languages = 200000words
Highly educated people find languages become more transparent ‘poliglotom’
Don’t underestimate the transparencies
English French Swedish 300 in 2000 words are international
200 + in Serbo-Croatian Russian
Less than a 100 in Greek
Less than 50 in Finnish
One may learn 50 active and 250 passive words a week
When writing kanji say the onyomi kunyomi translation out loud
Transparent Is transparent for you poliglotom will be transparent for educated people if you have a good knowledge of French more Italian will be transparent
When reading a romance or Germanic text do not underestimate transparencies nor in other languages for the matter
Romance transparencies are abstract
Germanic concrete
Transparent doesn’t have to be limited to English if you are bilingual use French 2 help you learn Italian. If words are see through to you, they are seethrough to you.
Practise spotting transparencies

L’assemblea nazionale ha deciso di sospendere l’immunita parlamentare dell’exministro dell sanita pubblica. E stato accusato di corruzione e di incitamento all’ omicido
Explain l=the
Di=to or of
Dell’ of the
E stato has been
E and
All’ to the
Read again
The national assembly has decided to suspend the parliamentary immunity of the ex minister of public health. He has been accused of corruption and excitement to murder. Isn’t it easy?

Transparencies words with same root as a language you already know
Russian is surprisingly transparent
Look for clues mr mrs san infer names dates infer facts
Do not copy out endless dictionaries into vocabulary books only write down rare or interesting words, kongou rough diamond
Lip reading helps understanding
As well as normal transparencies note loan words sushi judo as transparencies. Not just cognates are transparent
Turn tv computer settings to l2
Hungarians make good linguists
Observe cubed
Bare minimum core grammar 300 words 25-50 phrases
You need grammar to make difference between dictionary words father, fathers father’s
When studying abroad avoid l1 speakers to promote immersion
Well begun is half done
Adults already know the real world, kids don’t you have an advantage
Names of plants and animals can’t be done from context
Writing effectively is very difficult
Pronounce what you hear not what you see
Always be on the look out for books. Buy only what is not available on the net, or in the library or is essential.
A few phrases can mean a lot of communication
Kill spare time. Carry a Dictaphone everywhere.
Slang is near essential most working people use slang in their everyday life. Want a ciggie. This slang is not taught on normal courses
Learn kanji in parts thread sword mouth upside down 11
Read second language pictorial encyclopaedias to reinstall reality to language link
An anatomy is another example
When taping dictionary only tape proper words as opposed to derivations and deviants: tape benkyou but not benkyou suru. Tape words in narrowest sense of the word. Don’t tape teki etc
Read dictionary several times before taping
The more languages you study the more you learn that the sign is not arbitrary.
I was so good at sixth form because I just studied grammar and vocabulary K>I>S>S>
If at school/uni imagine it is club work and therefore take it seriously
Even if the basics are boring they must be studied
Watch l1 films about l2 culture and learn words like bettaku from rising sun. This is good when starting out.
Scandanavians make good linguists as they watch a lot of cinema people with good cultural knowledge can understand a lot more knowledge like mike in Henry Bohns
Think like a foreigner eastern ocean to the Japanese is pacific notv atlantic
Get it right from the beginning
Correct mistakes asap
Imitation does have a role
Acting is good
The best way to learn vocab is through inference
University and schools are for passing exams not learning
lightbrown and spada minimum vocab is about 2000 by my records 3000 or maybe more. Voca b is very important
speak out loud
when practising speaking practise intonation as well as sounds
never be satisfied seek to achieve
practise pronunciation backwards
shon ashon tonashon intonashon
study a wikiepdia page in each of the main topics
learning about language can help you learn a language. Seemingly useless Linguistic knowledge can be useful, as long as it is applied
keep a notebook of something you can’t translate then ask a teacher or someone more qualified if you can’t understand the grammar book.
read l2 text night, note down vocab, learn next day reread text repeat
read a wiki on the subject to make your own vocabulary topic
the bible is a good text as it’s vocabulary is very small less than 10000 words in the whole text
think rationally: a science
creatively: an art
rely on yourself
inquisitive min
learning is observing
you MUST do the work by yourself
unerstaning language helps understanding languages
the Japanese see translation as integral to learning
pay attention to detail
one is never taught one can only learn
despite all technology language learning has not improved
lessons should do what students cant do themselves
pactical pronunciation not theoretical phonetics
imitate for fun
self belief
he who wants to learn will learn.
Listen to your own voice not tapes of it.
Speak in your head
You need the words you need core vocabulary is different to different people
1000 words well known better than 10000 half learnt.
Don’t bother with marginal interest words in beginning
Confidence comes from knowing common phrases well
Have no spare time fill it with language
After core vocab be hungry for new words a translator is never satisfied. Aim to know all the words.
Scored and goal are collocations
English learning Spanish cows look VACAnt cow is vaca
No synonums in theory but in practice there are many.
No clear distinction grammar and vocabulary
Make grammar a natural part of you. Internalise it.
Read a translation then the original
    1. words are needed for fiction 4000 for none fiction
when doing a course always study harder materials than the course as well as course materials to build confidence
use materials aimed at target language users.
It’snot that I’m good its just that everyone else is useless
When preparing for university exams always study above the level they want so it is much easier
Speed reading is good for vocabulary slow reading is good for grammar, as voacab is simpler but more boring than grammar
Vocab is one to one whereas grammar is more complicated.
An l2 l2 dictionary is a good tool for the advaced learner
Use as many different materials as possible
The masterlist should be a list of all common hyonyms or top words in the language. A list of top words
Language is motivated at all levels
Use this to help learning
Grammar in particular is motivated
It has a certain flow that can be guessed with practice like genders in French
The force that motivated language is spiritual and all things that are spiritual are motivated it is a bit like the golden mean there is a force motivating language although many people would think that there wouldn’t be.
Even if it is simple it must be done
All human beings think the same so therefore there must e core words that transfer across all languages. Most of these are grammatical. All languages have the word to be.
Why bad education. Do the people who run the course really want you to learn universities are only really interested in fees.
Before reading a text study vocabulary related to it tatoeba for a business text read business vocabulary
Be like lomb and dondero and speak to yourself lomb called this autologue
Beginners are not confident at spotting transparencies they need their confidence building
Before discussing or reading a topic research vocab
After learning kanji other scripts are easier
The mind gets used to absorbing information. After learning about 1000 kanji learning kanji and other information gets easier. The mind gets used to the motivating force behind kanji
Daily effort is important
Map a word and then read an l2 book about that word
An l2 grammar is a good tool for more advanced grammar
Even if it is simple it still needs to be done
After key grammar is mastered communication becomes easier as many structures can be formed. This is why I was so good at shrewsbury
A lot at once then a little often.
If you can’t find a word look at wikipedia example then translate wikipedia page.
You can only get so good at on e thing at once
we all have good and bad days
euphemisms are important. They are idioms phrases with non literal meanings
spending time in a foreign country is not necessarily helpful. LJMU is an example of this
when reading online highlight unknown words.
Turn phone tv other settings to l2
Fluency=doing in l2 what you can do in l1. It should be aimed for
After learning core words write up religiously they might be useful
Immersion is good
If you don’t know a word write it down even if you have done so a thousand times before.
Vocab can fit into many slots grammar can’t
Always push your comfort zones
Get steps one and two right before steps two and three
Distinguish between motivated and arbitrary grammar. Motivated is easier. Particularly Japanese.
Keep a separate notebook for grammar
Kesp a separate notebook for hiragana, katakana and kanji words
Have one main grammar book and then a load of satellite grammar books
For more culturally distinct languages like Japanese culturally distinct vocabulary will be more valuable. A special topic should be made. Much of this culturally distinct vocabulary will be untranslateable.
Although if you study you will learn, if you study better you will learn better.

Conjugate language learning cycle different things different days. Don’t use same text book each day

Only so good you can get at one thing like in the dao de jing.

Types of grammar to learn

Ones that can be learnt like vocabulary pieces, that fit into slots, which are more like vocabulary than grammar.

Two derrivational morphology

Three construuctions that must be learnt, more complex than vovabulary, own rules for the words can be used with different vocabulary. Skeleton not clothes. These are a slot as opposed to fitting into a slot. This “pure grammar” is not at the border between grammar and lexis, and drastically influences the grammar of a sentence: wake is “pure grammar” this grammar is a “different meaning” newmark also uses skeleton example. Stuff like nado, and nomi. They are more than vocabulary pieces. Adjectives often look like grammar but are more likely vocabulary.

Latin for all occasions type stuff is good for beginners.
Language is a spiritual enterprise and learning a language is a spiritual process. Forming these paths of motivation is key to learning a foreign language.
If two people are yelling at each other the context should give clues to meaning
follow kato lmb and let context give clues
Study Lombs work on context
Free vocabulary Indonesian guru is teacher rinpoche is teacher in Tibetan
Even with all these tricks and techniques one must still work hard.
Weightlifting wprds you are interested in are easy to remember
“simple” words can be easy to forgwt: mushi, for example
Keep on going! Keep on improving
Is context, inference really the best way of guessing a word’s meaning?
Certain adverbs look like grammar but aren’t for example chittomo. They should be treated as vocabulary not grammar.
judge a man not by answers he gives but by the questions he asks. nobody however famous has ever asked or answered indepth the simple question “how does one learn a foreign language?”
imagine trying to fill in a piece of paper by dotting it once. This is one piece of vocabulary th end trying to identify the words you do not know will be hard to do, and this is fluency
many vocabularies fit into many grammar slots, this is the ultimate difference between ngrammar and vocabulary.
Although linguaphone is very good don’t underestimate the potential of creating your own language tapes with a Dictaphone, you can taylor make these for yourself, focusing on things which you find difficult, be it vocabulary grammar or lexis
Learners often tend to create new words
Strengthen your weakest point so something else is your weakest point, then strengthen your new weakest point. Then your strongest point will be your weakest. Strengthen this and you will be good.
Even a stone gets warm if you sit on it long enough, it is like filing down a cliff face, continuous effort and striving is needed
Even if a word is transparent there may be slight differences in meaning: ベテラン means more of an experienced person in Japanese whereas in English it has the nuance of meaning fought in a war.
Folk myths abound: A little bit of truth may be a dangerous thing: Sensei does eman teacher but it may also be used for doctor, lawyer etc. other myths aboubd there are only two irregular verbs in Japanese. Believing these myths earlier on causes fuck ups later
After learning Japanese languages like French and Spanish become easier. This is because they are much more similar to English on levels such as vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, idioms and syntax as well as dervitaional morphology. Translation and learning is also easier as the cultures are more similar
Don’t be intimidated by weights or foreign languages who are you?
After everything is at afairly good level have one thing that is very good to make you
stand out or just for enjoyment, if you enjoy grammar only really develop it after everything else is perfect
To be very very good at listening you need a very good vocabulary
Words which can be sussed out via kanji in reading cannot be sussed out this way in listening
Ways of learning a word: immediate association
Indirect association
O object
Reciting like a parrot.
Manipulate the language

Appendix 1

The key words
Hello how are you? Please thanks where? is how much is yes no good what is your name? Help! Goodbye! Excuse me

1. A,an
2. After
3. Again
4. All
5. Almost
6. Also
7. Always
8. And
9. Because
10. Before
11. Big
12. But
13. (I) can
14. (I) come
15. Either/or
16. (I) find
17. First
18. For
19. Friend
20. From
21. (I) go
22. Good
23. Good-bye
24. Happy
25. (I) have
26. He
27. Hello
28. Here
29. How
30. I
31. (I) am
32. If
33. In
34. (I) know
35. Last
36. (I) like
37. Little
38. (I) love
39. (I) make
40. Many
41. One
42. More
43. Most
44. Much
45. My
46. New
47. No
48. Not
49. Now
50. Of
51. Often
52. On
53. One
54. Only
55. Or
56. Other
57. Our
58. Out
59. Over
60. People
61. Place
62. Please
63. Same
64. (I) see
65. She
66. So
67. Some
68. Sometimes
69. Still
70. Such
71. (I) tell
72. Thank you
73. That
74. The
75. Their
76. Them
77. Then
78. There is
79. They
80. Thing
81. (I) think
82. This
83. Time
84. To
85. Under
86. Up
87. Us
88. (I) use
89. Very
90. We
91. What
92. When
93. Where
94. Which
95. Who
96. Why
97. With
98. Yes
99. You
100. Your

Appendix two Minimum words for thorough communication. All the words needed to speak.

about, circa
about (be)
above, over
according to
afraid of
after, afterwards
all; whole
also; too
angry, be/get
another - see other
answer (v.)
any (adj.)
any (pron.)
any of (it, them)
as; such as; like
ask for

back, come/go;
bad - food,
bad - weather
bathroom; toilet
behind, back
see also Miniphrase T
below; under
between; among
by - agent
by - time
by - transport: air, bus, etc.

can; be able; be
allowed; may
certain; sure
change (v.)
change, small
close; shut
continue; go on
could; was able
country; nation
country - not town
course, of
cry; weep

damage (n.)
damage (v.)
down; downstairs
drink (n.)
drink (v.)

earth, world

few, a
flat, apartment
for ('purpose')
for (time)
free, unrestricted
free, gratis
front of, in
full (of)
funny; comic
get, become
get, obtain, fetch
get, receive
get in
get out
get up
get used to .
go in(to)
go out
going to, have the intention
going to, about to, on the point
good (better, best) z and s
good, skilful, clever
great z and s
ground, earth

had better
half ?a. & n.
happy (about)
hard (opposite of soft)
hard (work)
have (as auxiliary)
have (eat)
have (possess)
have got
have to

immediately, at once
in (position)
in (time)
in (after)
into, go

joke (n. & vb)
just (time)
see also only

kiss (n.)
know (facts)
know (people etc.)

lady - see woman
last, latest, final
last, just passed
late (adv.)
least, at
leave, depart
eave, let remain
let (allow)
let (hire)
lie (not stand)
lie down
light, not dark
light, not heavy
like, similar
listen to
little, a
live, reside
live, be alive
look after
look at, watch
look for
look forward to -
look well etc.
look up
(a) lot -
loud -

many?, how
many, so
married (to)
may (permission)
may (possibility)
mean -
meaning –
measure -
much (adv).



need vb.





next time.

last night, tonight
no adv.



note, make a






one (impers.) - you

open adj.

open vb.

opposite, contrary

other, another
ought to; should
out, outside
out, go

over - see "above"

pain n. - P

part (fraction)

party pol.

party soc.


pen, ball point


people imper

people the people






pleased (with)
















reason (for)




rest (remainder

rest (have a)


right - see Miniphrase



room (space)









serious - P

several n. & adj.




should - see ought to

should aux.

show vb.

?shut ?or is

sick, feel








so not so bad a

so so bad that

so and therefore


some pron.

some adj.







sound (n.)

sound vb. -



spend mone

spend time



?stand up

stay reside
stay remain


still Do you still live in…..?

stop cease

stop prevent





such such a





surprise ?n.



talk (to)





that, those dem.

that rel.

that con.


then after

then before

There are

think believe

think (about)


this, these

time (clock)
time occasion


to direction +
to I've never b
to infin.


too (excessive)










use vb.
used to (adj. accustomed)
used to emphatic past


wait (for)


wash up

way method

well - health

well adv. better bes



where? position

where direction

which rel.


who rel.


wide; broad




work (v.)
work n.
work job
work vb. function
worry vb.
worried (about)
write (down)
yet not yet

Black blue green red white yellow
North east south west
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Spring summer autumn winter
I you he she it one we you they me him her it us them
My your his her its ones our you’re their 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

First second third fourth fifth………..

Appendix 3 vocabulary masterlist: ALL common words learn this and then read any normal text. Read the vocabulary topics for specialised texts

Months, days week, numerals, countries L2 NAMES Fritz Kotaro understand l2 culture
A little Abandon n abdomen n ability, able pr about pr above, over abroad absence aj absent v absorb abstract academic v accept n accident accompany account accord according to accordingly n account accuracy accuse accustom achievement aj acid(ic) acknowledge pr across n act, deed action active n activity, bustle, ado Act v add, addict append, join so as to cause an increase add up addition n address v adhere adhesive adjectives adjustment administrator v admire v admit, confess adult advancement advantage adverb advertisement advertise n advice aerial
aesthetic affect afford pr after n afternoon afterwards av again, once more, re- against n age n agency, bureau ago v agree agreement v aim n air n airplane, aircraft airport alarm alarm clock n alcohol ale aj alert aj alive aj alkaline aj all n allocation, allotment, portion allow alloy allusion ally av almost, nearly n alphabet av already) av also, additionally, too n alternate v alternate, take turns av always amaze n ambassador ambiguous ambulance among amount amuse amusement anchor cj and, plus n angel, fairy anger n angle aj angry n animal ankle v announce, proclaim annoy annually annul another n answer, reply to a question or argument n ant n anus aj any av apart, separately apart from apartment apologise apology apparently apparatus appear appearance n apple apply appointment approval v approve n apron arbitration n arch argue argument arise n arm army around, encircling, surrounding arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrow art n article article, essay artificial as ascent ascribe ash ashtray be ashamed of v ask, inquire ass assembly assert assertive associate assume assure astonish at av at least, not less than (>=) av at most, only, just, merely, not more than (<=) athletics sports atom attack attempt attend n attention (active perception) attentive n attic, garret v attract attraction audible author n authority aj automatic n autumn, fall aj auxiliary average avoid, evade, keep away from aj awake awareav away n axe n baby, infant n back av back background av backward bacon aj bad bag baisin v bake baker n balance, equilibrium balcony n ball n balloon n bamboo n banana band (group) n band, tape, flat strip n bank bank (of river) banknote n bar, rod bargain barley barracks n barrel, cask n barrier, obstacle base n base, node, station n baseball basic basically basin basis, foundation n basket n basketball bat n bat, stick, racket/racquet n batch bath bathroom battery battle n bay v be n beach, shore bead n bean n bear n beard v beat, batter aj beautiful beauty because of, due to v become n bed bedroom n bee beef n beer beetle pr before, in front of, ahead of pr before, prior to, earlier than v begin, commence, start beginning n behavior, conduct v behave behaviour pr behind, in back of, to the rear of belief v believe n bell belly belong below n belt bend, n, v benefit bent aj bent n berry besides bet pr between, among, amidst, inter- beverage pr beyond, farther than, exceeding n bicycle aj big, large bill n bill, invoice bin binoculars n bird n birth bit v bite aj bitter aj black bladder n blade v blame n blanket n blemish, blot blend v bless blind blindness v block n block n blood v blow aj blue blunt n board boast n boat n body v boil boiling n bomb n bone n book boot bore aj boring, tedious v borrow both n bottle n bottom v bounce, rebound boundary n bow n bowl n box n boy boyfriend n brain n brake n branch n brass n bread v break breakfast n breast, mammary breath v breathe breed bribe n brick n bridge aj bright v bring broadcast broken n broom n brother aj brown bruise brush n bucket, pail n bud v build construct n building, edifice bulb n bullet n bump, protrusion n bundle, bunch n burn v burn v burst bury n bus n bush, shrub n business, commerce cj but, however butcher n butter n butterfly n buttock n button v buy, purchase pr by means of, via, per, with by, next to n cabbage cabin
n cage cake v calculate, reckon calf v call, summon calm camel camera
n camp, bivouac, temporary shelter n campaign aux v pres can can {British: tin}canal, channel, ditch n candle n cannon canvas cap cape capital captain n capture v capture, seize n car, automobile n carbon n card n care, concern carpet carriage n carrot v carry n cart, carriage, wagon cartridge cash card cast castle n cat v catch category, classification cathedral cause v cause n caution, prudence, carefulness n cave cavity v cease, stop doing, quit n ceiling v celebrate, rejoice n cellar, basement cement n century ceremony aj certain, sure certainly n chain n chair chairman n chalk n chance, randomicity, luck n change v change vary n chapter characteristic charge charger n chart n chart, diagram aj cheap, inexpensive n check n cheek n cheese chemical n chemical chemist cherry n chess n chest chest, box chew? n chicken chief n chief, leader aj chief, main, primary, principal n child n chimney n chin chisel n chocolate choke
v choose, pick (out), select one of many possibilities Christian Christian name CHRISTMAS n church cider n cigarette ‘’’’ lighter cinema n circle circumstance citizen n city n civilization n claim, assertion claw n clay aj clean v clear aj clear, plain clerk n cliff v climb n clock close aj closed, shut n cloth, clothes n cloud n club, cudgel n club, society clutch coach n coal coast n coat coat hanger n cockroach n code n coffee n coil n coin aj cold, chilly, frigid n collar colleague collect college collision colony n color n comb combustion v come, arrive n comfort comfortable v command n command, order, directive commit n committee aj common, general n communication n community n company, firm company, presence of others v compare comparison compass compel v compete, strive, vie competition comfortable complain complete completely aj complex composition compound n compromise compromise compulsory compute n computer contemptuous conceal concede concentrate concern concrete condemn n condition, state, status n cone confess confidence confirm confirmation confuse congratulate conjunction connect n connection, joint, junction conquer aj conscious, aware consciousness consent consequence v consist of, be composed of consistent consolation console n consonant conspicuous aj constant, invariant, stable constituent contain contempt contents contribute n constitution v consume, deplete, expend, exhaust, use up v contain n container contemporary continent v continue, keep on doing/being n contract contradict contrary contribute contrast v control controversial conventional converge convince v cook aj cool cooper cooperate, collaborate n condom copper v copulate, have sex v copy n copy n cord, cable n cork corkscrew n corn, maize corner correct correspond corridor corrode cost n cotton couch cough counsel v count, enumerate country n courage, bravery n court (of law) cousin v cover n cover n cow/bull, cattle Coward cowardice n crack, fissure v crate crawl cream v create, make n credit creed creep? Crew n crime criticism v criticize n cross crowd crown cruel v crush v cry out, shout, yell v cry, weep n crystal n cube n cucumber n culture cultured n cup cupboard cure current v curse, damn n curtain n curve curve cushion customer custom customs n cut v cut n cycle n cylinder dairy damage v dance n danger dare aj dark, dim darkness database n date n date n daughter Dawn n day n day diurnal period dazzle n dead aj dead deal aj dear, precious, cherished death n debt, obligation to pay decay deceitful deceive v decide decision deck decorate v decrease deduce deem aj deep, profound n deer) defeat defence defend definitely defy n degree n delayv delay, retard, tarry, postpone deliberate delicate delight demand aj dense concentrated, thick, intense n density n dent, nick, indentation dentist v deny depart v depend on, rely on dependant deprive n depth v describe description n desert v deserve, merit, be worthy of design desire despair of despite n destination v destroy destruction n detail detain detect develop development device dew aj diagonal, slanted n dial diameter diamond dice n dictator, tyrant n dictionary dictophone v die diet difference different aj different aj difficult, hard difficulty v dig digest digestion digit dilute aj direct, immediate n direction n dirt, earth (tangible), soil aj dirty, contra-clean disadvantage disappear disappoint n disappointment disarmament n disaster, catastrophe discharge discount discover discovery v discuss, talk about discussion n disease, illness, sickness disgust n dish disinfect n disk, disc dislike dismember display displeasure dispose of dispute v dissolve n distance distinct v distinguish, differentiate, tell one from another Distribute distribution disturb dive v divide dividend divisible division divorce v do, perform, engage in dock doctor n document n dog n doll, effigy n dome domestic n donkey, ass n door double n doubt v doubt av down n dragon drain n drain draw drawer n dream v dream dress v drift, wander n drill drill v drink v drive, impel, propel driving driving licence n drop v drown drunk drug n drum duck dumb aj dry aj dull, blunt aj durable, resilient, robust, strong n duration pr during dusk
n dust duty duvet DVD,’’’’ player dwell dye eager eagle n ear earplugs aj/av early, premature earn
earnest n earth n earthquake n east easter eastern aj easy v eat
n eclipse n edge edit edition editor educate education educational effect effort n egg num eight either...or aj elastic elastic band elbow v elect electric electrical n electricity n element elephant n elevator {British: lift} eleven else elsewhere n email embarrassment embrace v emit v emphasize, accentuate, stress emphatic empire employ aj empty enable encounter encourage n end v end, conclude, finish endeavour n enemy n energy engine engineer engineering enjoy av enough, sufficiently v enter, go into entertainment n enthusiasm, zeal enthusiastic entrance n envelope envious envy n environment, surroundings, context aj equal equality equip equitable error n escape v escape, flee from essay esteem ethics estimate v evaporate even n evening event av eventually av ever aj every, each everyone everywhere aj evil aj exact, precise exactly exaggerate v examine, inspect n example, sample pr except for, besides, apart from, other than, excluding excess v exchange, trade, swap exhibition excite excuse exclude exclusive n exercise, practice exhibit exile v exist existence exit v expand, grow expanse expansion v expect, anticipate aj expensive, costly n experience v experience n experiment expert explain explanation v explode exploit explosive express extent extinguish extreme n eye eyebrow n eyeglasses eyelash eyelid n face n fact n factory factual v fail faint fair faith faithful fall fall in love with aj false, untrue familiar n family aj famous n fan aj/av far n farm fashion fast fasten n fat aj fat, obese, plump n father fatigue v favor, prefer favour fax n fear v fear n feather n feces, dung, excrement feeble feed v feel v feel feeling
aj female n fence fertile aj fertile fervour fetch n fetus embryo n fever aj few fiber n fiction field n field n fig v fight, combat figure filament n file n file fill n film filter fin final v find fine n finger finish n fire n fireplace hearth firm first n fish n fist fit num five fix fixed n flag, banner flame
aj flared flash aj flat, planar flatter n flavor, taste n flaw, defect, imperfection n flax flea flee fleet flesh aj flexible flight v float n flood, deluge n floor n flour v flow n flower v fly n fly n foam, froth n fog n fold v fold follow following n food aj foolish n foot n football American/tackle f~) n football (association f~), soccer pr for pr for forbid n force v force forecast n forehead foreign n forest v forget v forgive, pardon n fork v form n form, shape formerly fort fortnight fortunate forward av forward, ahead fountain num four fowl n fox fracture aj fragile, delicate n frame fraud free aj free (at liberty) freedom v freeze n frequency frequent av frequently, often fresh friction n friend friendliness friendly frighten n frog pr from, out of, away from n front frontier frost aj frugal, thrifty frying pan n fruit n fuel fulfil aj full, filled fun aj funny, comical fur n furniture n furrow, rut, groove furthermore n future (the f~) n game (a rule-governed system of competitive amusement) n game, match gap n garbage, trash, rubbish n garden n garlic n garment n gas v gather, collect n gear n gene general aj generous, charitable aj gentle, mild gentleman genuine v gesture vt get, acquire, gain, obtain get up n ghost gift gill n ginger n ginseng n girl girlfriend v give n glass adj glass glide n glove glue v go goat n goat n god, diety n aj good goods n gourd govern n government aj gradual n grain(s), cereal crop(s) and their seed(s) n grammar) grandfather grandmother grant n grape grasp n grass n grasshopper aj grateful, thankful gratitude n graveyard shift, middle of the night n gravity aj gray {British: grey} great aj greedy aj green greet v grind grip groan groove ground n group grow growth grumble v guard, monitor, watch over n guess v guess, conjecture n guide v guide, lead guilt aj guilty, blame-worthy n guitar gulp gums n gun gut n gymnastics n habit, custom, routine practice n hail n hair n hair num half (1/2) half an hour hall ham n hammer n hand handkerchief n handle v hang, suspend, dangle hanging v happen, occur aj happy aj hard, firm, resistant to pressure hardly hardness hardware harmful harmless n harmony n harness v harvest, reap haste n hat, cap v hate v have hay head health aj healthy heap v hear hearing heart n heart n heat, warmth heath n heaven, aj heavy heed n heel n height n helix n hell, Hades n helmet v help, assist, aid helpful n hemp, marijuana hence av here heretidary hesitate v hide, conceal aj high, tall n hill hinder n hinge hint n hip hire historical n history chronicle v hit, strike hoard n hockey hoe v hold, grasp n hole n holiday aj hollow aj holy, sacred home honest honesty n honey Honor honorific n hook v hope hopeful aj horizontal n horn n horn n horse n hospital hostile aj hot n hotel, inn hour n hour n hourglass n house av how? However aj huge, enormous, gigantic aj humble, modest humor humorous num hundred hunger hungry v hunt, pursue hurry hurt,v n husband hut n ice icecream n idea, concept identity cj if ignition ignorant ill illuminate imaginary v imagine v imitate, mimic importance aj important impose impossible impulse pr in in- in-V-able in spite of incline include income v increase indeed aj independent v indicate n individual industry infavorof infect infer inference influence n information ingredient inherit v injure, damage, harm n ink inn aj inner, internal, interior innocence aj innocent, contra-guilty inquire inquiry aj insane, crazy, mad n insect inside pr instead of, rather than instruction instrument n insult n insurance insure aj intelligent v intend, mean to, do deliberately, have as a purpose intention intense intentional n,v interest fascination interesting v interfere, hinder interior aj international n internet interpreter interval n intestines, gut(s), viscera into intoxicate introduce v invent invention aj inverted, upside-down v invest investigate, tion v invite invitation involve n iris n iron iron aj irregular, sporadic, intermittent n island n issue, edition item jack n jacket n jade jail jam n jar, jug jaw jealous n jealousy, envy n jelly gel jerk n jewel, gem n job, employment join joint joke journal n journalist journey, trip, voyage joy n judge v judge judge judgement jug n juice v jump, leap n jury aj just, fair, equitable justice v keep, retain, go on having n kelp kettle n key
v kick n kidney v kill adj kind n kind, sort, type, variety (of...)
kindly n king v kiss kitchen n knee kneel knickers n knife n knob knock
knot v know n knowledge n label laboratory v lack n ladder lady n lake lamb lame n lamp land n language laptop aj last, final last v aj/av late, tardy v laugh n laugh(ter) n law lawyer n layer lazy lead n lead (the metal) n leaf leap year v learn learning aj least av least n leather v leave, depart, go away from lecture left aj left(-hand) n leg legal leisure lemon v lend n length n lens n lentil aj less (a smaller quantity of) av less lesson let letter n letter n lettuce level aj level, even n lever lewd n library lid n lie v lie v lie (utter a known falsehood) life lifebelt lift,v lift, elevator aj light (of little weight) n light (visible electro-magnetic radiation) lighthouse n lightning v like, enjoy pr like, similar to likelihood likely likeness
limb lime n limit, boundary limp line n line linen link n lion n lip lip n liquid liquidation n list listen aj little av little v live (be alive) n liver living n lizard n load, burden loan n lobster locate n lock n logic aj lonely
aj long aj long av long ago look n loop, circuit, closed curve aj loose (contra-snug), baggy aj loose (contra-taut), slack lorry vt lose loss aj loud v love low aj low, short aj loyal lubricate luck luggage n lump, clod, blob, piece of no particular shape n lung luxury n machine n magazine n magic, sorcery n magnet magnet magnetic v mail maize n majority make v make, render aj male mammal n man manage manager n mandarin, tangerine manifest n mantis manufacture aj many n map marble march n mark n market n marriage married marry mass, mass mast n master, lord mat mate n match (a thing suitably associated with another) n match (little fire-stick) n matter, material, substance mattress n mature, adult may av maybe, perhaps, possibly meadow meal mean n meaning meanwhile measure v measure n meat, flesh mechanic mechanical medical n medicine v meet, encounter, come across meeting v melt n member membership memory mend mental menu n merchandise, goods, wares mercury n mercy message n message n metal n method, manner, way (of doing), technique n microscope n middle, center n midnight aj military n milk n mill num million n mind n mineral, ore n minority n mint minus n minute (60 seconds) n miracle n mirror misconceive mishap v misplace (lose; become unable to find) n Miss v miss, fail to hit/reach/see etc. missile missive mist mistake n Mister, Mr. v mix, blend mixed mixture moderate modest moisture mole n molecule n moment, an instant n money n monkey, small primate monopoly n month monthly monument mood n moon aj more av more n morning n mosquito
aj most av most n mother motion n motor, engine n motorcycle n motorway mountain mourn n mouse moustache n mouth v move movement n movie, motion picture n mp3 player Mrs. n Ms., Miss/Mrs. aj much av much, very n mud v multiply n muscle n mushroom n music musician n mustard aj mutual, reciprocal n mystery n nail n nail aj naked, nude, exposed n name napkin narrate narrative aj narrow, of little width n nation, state nationalism nationality aj native natural n nature n navel navy aj/av near pr near, close to aj necessary, needed, required necessity n neck n necktie v need, require n needle aj negative n neglect, negligence, apathy negotiations neither...nor n neon n nephew neice nerve nerve n nest, den, lair n net aj neuter neutral av never aj new, novel, recent n news, tidings n newspaper aj next next to aj nice, kind, affable n night num nine n nitrogen no n noise nonsense n noon aj normal, ordinary, usual n north northern n nose av not n note, annotation nothing v notice, observe noun novel av now nowadays nowhere n number, numeral number plate nurse n nut (hard-shelled fruit/seed with separable shell and kernel) nut n oak oar n oat oath obedient v obey n object aj obscure, unheard of observation observe obstacle obstinate obstruct obtain obvious, obviously ocean occasion occupation occur odor pr of pr of (owned by; belonging to; associated with; = genitive) off offence offend v offer office officer aj official offspring often n oil n oil (crude oil), petroleum aj old aj old (of much age; having existed/lived for a long time) n olive omit pr on onbehalfof once num one n onion av only, solely, exclusively onto aj open n opening, orifice operation n opinion opinion opportunity oppose opposite opposition cj or aj orange n orange (tree/fruit of Citrus sinensis / related spp.) order n organ (of body) organise organization v organize rigin aj original, non-imitative n ornament, decoration ornate aj/pn other, another our out aj outer, exterior, external pr outside of, exterior to n oval, ellipse n oven over overturn owe owl v own owner ox n oxygen pack n package, packet, parcel n paddle, oar n page n pain painful n paint painter pale n palm (of hand) n pan pantry n pants, trousers n paper paper bin aj parallel parcel pardon parent n park n parliament, congress parrot n part part of partake of partial participate particle partly partner party n party (political), sect (religious) pass passenger passport n past (the p~), earlier time n pasta, noodles n paste n patch path n patience patient n pattern v pause, hesitate, suspend action temporarily pavement v pay payment n pea peach n peace n peanut pearl n pedal peel n pen penalty n pencil, crayon peninsula n penis n people (a people), folk, the members of an ethnic group / nation n pepper n pepper v perceive, detect perfect perform perhaps n period, era, epoch periodical aj permanent, perpetual permission n permit v permit, allow, let persecute n person, human being personal personnel persuade pest pet petrol n photocopier photograph physical n picture, image n piece pierce n pig, swine pigeon n pile, heap, stack of things or of a substance n pillow, cushion pilot pin pincers n pine n pipe piston n pity v pity, feel compassion toward, feel sorry for n pizza n place, location plain v plan n plan, design n plane (flat surface) n planet v plant n plant n plastic plate n plate platformn play drama v play, recreate, frolic please n pleasure v plough n plow (plough) pluck n plug, seal, stopper n plum plus n pocket n pod (seed pod) n poem point n poison, toxin poisonous n polarity n pole, stick (long bar) n police policeman polish polite political n politics v pollute, contaminate pond ponder n pool, billiards aj poor, impoverished popular n port porter n position aj positive aj possible (able to happen or be done) possibly n post (vertical pole anchored in ground) postoffice postage postman n pot n potassium n potato potential v pour n powder n power powerful practical practise v praise, compliment, laud v pray precede prefer preferably pregnant prejudice prepare preposition prerequisite presence aj present n present (the present time; the now) v preserve, maintain n president v press (do pressure to; push upon with weight or force) pressure v pretend, act, feign pretext pretty v prevent n price, cost n pride (proudness; self-respect) n priest, clergyman n prime minister primitive principal v print aj prior, preceding, preposition previous, contra-next printer n prison, jail aj private (contra-public) privilege n prize, award aj probable probably problem n process, procedure procure produce product n profit, gain n program n progress, advancement v prohibit, forbid, contra-permit n project, undertaking, venture n promise pledge prone pronoun pronounce n proof, evidence propeller property proposal propose prose prostitute v protect, defend n protest, objection n prototype, exemplar, archetype, model (for all Xs) proud prove v provide, supply, furnish n province (of Canada etc.), prefecture, state (of USA etc.) provisional v pry {British: prize} (raise/open/move with a lever) aj public n public, populace, the people (as in People's Republic) publicity publication publish v pull n pulley n pump punctual v punish punishment purchase aj pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated aj purple purpose pursue
v push v push chair put, place, translocate putrid puzzle n pyramid n quality, trait, attribute, characteristicn quantity quarrel quarrelsome n quartz n queen queue n question, query question mark quick quickly av quickly, rapidly, swiftly aj quiet, soft, faint quite v quote, cite n rabbit n race n rack radiator n radio apparatus, wireless set n rail n railroad(railway) n rain n rainbow raise n rake range rare aj rarefied, tenuous, diffuse, dilute, sparse, wispy rarely rat n ratio, rate, proportion raw n ray n razor re- + verb v reach, extend as far as react reaction v read aj ready, prepared for a task / event aj real, actual realize reality really n rear, back part of n reason, explanation, justification, rationale reasonable n reasoning, rational thought rebel receipt v receive recent av recently recipe recite
v recognize recollection recommend v record n record recover n rectangle recycle aj red reduce refer reject reflect refrain aj refreshed, zesty, perky refuse regard n regarding region, area n regret v regret aj regular, periodic v reject, refuse relate relation n relationship, association relatives v release relevant reliable n religion religious relinquish rely on v remain, stay remark remainder v remember remind reminder remote control v remove, subtract, take away, delete rent v repair, fix repeat v repel repetition n replacement reply report v represent representation reprimand reproach
n reptile v request, ask for require resemble reservation reserve v reside, dwell, live v resign resignation resist resistance resolute resonant resources n respect v respect, venerate, esteem n responsibility, liability, accountability responsible rest n rest remainder, leftovers, remnant restart restaurant v restrain, inhibit, hold back restrict n result, consequence v retrieve, fetch v return) v reveal, disclose n revelation, mystical vision n revenge, vengeance, retribution, getting even reverse review revile revise revolt v reward n rhythm rib n rice aj rich, wealthy v ride ridiculous n right (a right to do/be ...) aj right(-hand) aj right, correct ridid n ring, torus ripe rise risk n riot n ritual, rite, ceremony rival n river n road roast n rock, stone n rocket rod n role v n roof n room, chamber n root (of a plant) n rope n rose (plant/flower of genus Rosa) v rot, decay rotten
aj rough, coarse, contra-smooth round n route, path, course row
v rub, abrade n rubber rudder rude n rug, mat ruin n rule, regulation
rumour v run aj runny, thin n rural area, countryside
v rush, hurry, hasten n rust, corrosion n sabbath n sack, bag aj sad, unhappy, melancholy saddle safe safeguard n safety, security n safflower
n sail v sail sailor n salad sale n salt aj same, identical sample n sand
n sandwich satellite n satisfaction satisfy sauce saucepan saucer
n sausage save v save, rescue n saw v say, tell, express in words
scale n scale scanner scary n schedule school n science n scissors n score scorn n scratch n screen, mesh n screw screwdriver scythe sea
n sea, ocean search n season seat second n second (1/60th of a minute)
aj secret secretary n section, segment security security camera v see n seed v seek, search (for), look for v seem, appear to be, give the impression of seize seizure av seldom, rarely select selection self selfish v sell v send, dispatch, transmit sensation n sense sense/nonsense sensitive sensual n sentence sentence, crime separate separation n sequence, order n series aj serious, earnest, grave aj serpentine, meandering, convoluted v serve service n sesame n set settle sex shake shall shape share shark sevant num seven several v sew sex n sex, gender shade n shadow, shade v shake aj shallow n shame shape share aj sharp, keen, pointy, acute v shave n sheath n sheep n sheet n shelf n shell n shield v shine n ship v ship n shirt shock n shoe shoe lace v shoot shop aj short aj short, brief n shorts, trunks aux v pres should, ought to n shoulder shout n shovel v show, exhibit, display n shower, sprinkle v shrink, contract shut sick n side, flank, lateral area n sign signature signify aj silent silicon n silk n silver aj sim card similar aj simple sin since v sing singer v sink n sister v sit num six n size n skeleton n ski n skin n skirt, kilt, dress n sky n slave n sleep v sleep sleeve v slide, slip, glide slim slime slip slipper slope aj sloped, inclined/declined slow av slowly aj small smash v smell n smell, odor, aroma v smile n smoke aj smooth snail n snake, serpent n sneeze v sneeze snore n snow v snow aj snug tight (in this sense) so soak n soap sober social society n sock, hose, stocking n sodium aj soft, malleable, yielding to pressure software sole soil n soldier aj solid n solid (not a gas or liquid) solution solve some sometimes somewhat somewhere n son song av soon v sort sothat n soul, spirit (believed to outlive the body) n sound n soup aj sour n source, origin n south southern n soya, soybean
n space, room, void spade spanner spark v speak, talk speaker n spear, lance specially n species aj specific, special, particular specimen spectacles speech n speed, velocity speed limit spell spend n sphere n spice, seasoning n spider, arachnid n spike, barb, cleat, thorn v spill n spinach n spine, backbone n spiral, whorl v spit splash split n sponge n spool, reel n spoon spouse v spread n spring (metal helix) n spring (the season) n sprout n square n squash, melon v squat squeeze n squirrel v stab, jab stable stage n stair(s) stalk stamp v stand n staple (fastener) n star start state statement station status stay v steal n steam n steel steep steering wheel stem step stepfather step- sthical stick sticky aj stiff, rigid
adj still av still, yet stimulate sting stink stipulate v stir, agitate stitch n stomach stone stool stop n store, cache, reserve, reservoir n store, shop, boutique n storm storey n story, report stove aj straight (not bent) aj strange, weird, unusual, peculiar n strap stream n street n strength v stretch, extend n strike n string n stripe n stroke, jolt, blow of force
strong structure struggle v study stumble aj stupid n stylus n subject, topic of discussion n submission, surrender subordinate substance n substitute, surrogate subtract suburb v succeed success successful such v suck aj sudden, abrupt suddenly sue suffer sufficient n sugar v suggest, propose suggestion suit aj suitable, proper, fit(ting), appropriate n sulphur sum n summer n sun sun bed n sunflower sunrise sunset superstition v support v suppose, presume n surface surgeon surgical surname surpass v surprise, startle suppose surrender surround survive suspend suspicion,ous v swallow n swamp, marsh sway swear n sweat, perspiration v sweep aj sweet swell n swelling, inflation v swim swindle swing n sword n syllable n symbol, sign, token sympathise sympathy synchronous synopsis n syringe n system n table (piece of furniture with flat top) table cloth n tail v take (in the sense of E-o "preni", G "nehmen", Sp "tomar") n talent, skill, knack talk talkative tall tame tank tap
aj tapered n tar target n task, chore, job, assignment taste v taste tattoo aj taut, tight, tense, strained n tavern, bar, pub n tax n tea teapot v teach teacher teaching n team, crew, squad n tear(drop(s)) v tear, rip n technology n telephone n telescope n television set tell n temperature aj temporary, transient v tempt num ten n tendency, propensity, inclination n tennis tension tent territorial territory v test, check n testicle testimony pr/cj than, compared to v thank aj/pn that (demonstrative) cj that (e.g. "I know that you are right") n theatre theatrical theft n theory av there (at/to that place) therefore aj thick, fat n thickness thief thigh
aj thin, slender thing v think thirsty aj/pn this thorough though thought num thousand n thread, filament threaten num three n throat pr through
v throw, toss n thumb n thunder thus n ticket, coupon tickle n tide tidy v tie, bind n tiger tight tile till n time (e.g. "do it 3 times"), occasion, instance, iteration n time av/aj timely, prompt, on time timetable n tin tin opener aj tiny, minuscule tip aj tired, weary title pr to, towards, at toad n tobacco av today n toe av together n toilet, toilet paper tolerate tolerant n tomato av tomorrow n tone, pitch n tongs n tongue (body-part) too av too little, insufficiently av too much, excessively n tool, utensil, implement n tooth toothache toothbrush toothpaste n top, peak, summit topic n torch tornado n torture v torture, torment n total, sum, aggregate v touch tough towards n towel n tower town n toy, plaything track trade trade union traffic n traffic lights train (of railroad) tranquil translate translator translation transmit transparent transport n trap travel n tray treatment tread on n tree n trial n triangle tribunal n trick, chicanery trigger v trim, prune trolley n trouble, difficulty trousers n truck {British: lorry} aj true* trunk v trust truth v try, attempt, endeavour tube tune n turkey v turn, divert v turn, rotate, revolve n turtle twelve twin twist num two type typewriter typical tyre aj ugly n umbrella n umpire, referee, official un- un-V-able un-V-ed unconscious pr under, below, beneath underneath v understand, comprehend undo undress unemployed unfortunate n uniform union unique unit v unite universal n universe, cosmos n university av up upset upwards urgent n urine urinate v use, utilize useful usual utter vacation
vaccinate n vacuum n vagina vain valid n valley n value worth valuable n valve vane vanity n vapor, mist vegetables n vehicle n veil n vein, blood vessel verdict vermin verse aj vertical very vessel vest vibration victim victory view n village n vinegar violence violent aj violent, harsh n virus visa aj viscous, thick visible v visit n vocabulary n vogue, trend, fad, fashion n voice n volcano volume voluntary v vomit v vote n vowel vulgar wages n waist n wait v wait (for), await waiter waiting waiting room wake(up) n walk v walk n wall walnut wander v want, wish, desire n war wardrobe warehouse aj warm v warn warning v wash n waste v waste, misuse wasteful watch n water waterfall n wave n wax way weak wealth wealthy n weapon wear n weather v weave n wedge n weed week weekly weep weigh n weight well n west western aj wet n whale wharf what what? n wheat n wheel wheelbarrow av when? (at what time?) av where? whether while n whim, caprice whip whisper n whistle v whistle aj white who who(m)-whose? aj whole, entire, complete av why? aj wide, broad widespread n width n wife aj wild, feral, untamed
n will willing win n wind v wind n window n wine n wing n winter n wire aj wise wish pr with within pr without, with no ..., lacking witness n wolf n woman wonder n wood n wool n word n work, effort, labor, toil n world n worm n worry, anxiety worship to be worth worthy would n wound v wrap n wrench {British: spanner} v wrestle n wrinkle, crease n wrist v write writing aj wrong, incorrect xray yard yawn n year aj yellow yes av yesterday
aj young youth num zero
zeal zoo zoom
additions: drinks mat hair clip?
1 The parrot is not dead!!!!!!!!

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